Terms of Service

Whoever we may deal with, and wherever we may operate, we are committed to doing so lawfully, ethically and with integrity. As part of this commitment, all forms of bribery and corruption are unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
We must not, and we must ensure that any third party acting on our behalf does not, act corruptly in our dealings with any other person.
This anti-bribery and corruption policy sets out policies to prevent acts of bribery and corruption in our company. These policies and procedures have been designed to comply with legislation governing bribery and corruption on Kenyan laws and and global basis.
The fundamental standards of integrity under which we operate do not vary depending on where we work or who we are dealing with. This policy applies to all officers, employees (full and part-time), and temporary workers (such as consultants or contractors and sub-contractors). It’s the responsibility of each of us to ensure that we comply with these standards in our daily working lives.
Failure to comply with this policy, whether or not this is intentional, may lead to disciplinary action (up to and including dismissal), and criminal liability for the individual involved (up to and including imprisonment). Employees will be required to confirm that they have read and understood the policy and that they comply with its terms as part of their ongoing employment assessment processes.

What is bribery?

Bribery involves the following a financial or other advantage is offered, given or promised to another person with the intention to induce or reward them or another person to perform their responsibilities or duties improperly. When a financial or other advantage is requested, agreed to be received or accepted by another person with the intention of inducing or rewarding them or another person to perform their responsibilities or duties inappropriately
Nb . It does not matter whether the bribe is given or received directly or through a third party (such as someone acting on  behalf, for example, an agent, distributor, supplier, joint venture partner, or other intermediary)

ARROW TERMITE, PEST FLASH, ANTI-CIMEX. Policies and procedures | General prohibition and warnings.

All forms of bribery and corruption are prohibited. We will not tolerate any act of bribery or corruption. Any breach of this policy or local law could result in disciplinary action being taken and ultimately could result in dismissal.
A bribe does not actually have to take place – just promising to give a bribe or agreeing to receive one is prohibited.
Giving or receiving gifts or hospitality is often an important part of maintaining and developing business relationships. However, all gifts and hospitality should be for a genuine purpose, reasonable, given in the ordinary course of business and should comply with the
General public, government, arrow termite, and other Hospitality and Expenses Policies and local laws. Bribery is prohibited when dealing with any person whether they are in the public or private sector and the provisions of this policy are of general application. Thanks for reading our return policies and work terms.

An Open Letter To Our Customers and Partners

Wycliffe Wambua, Chairman, President and CEO, Pest Flash
Samson Muthoka, C.E.O. Arrow Pest Group-East Africa.

Elizabeth Carson, Regional Finance Director Arrow Pest Group.

Today, 8/02/2017 with a majority of shares owned by Pest Flash, we are pleased to announce that Pest Flash have officially joined forces with (Arrow Termite & Pest Control Company) and become one company. We are excited about the opportunities to accelerate our leadership and co-operation in the fast-growing Pest Control Services Provisioning. Our companies already share many customers and business partners, and we intend to enhance and expand these essential relationships.  As a result of our business combination, our customers and partners will now have access to an extraordinary portfolio of storage products and services.

Thus, we proudly announce to our customers that Pest Flash Fumigation Company Runs as A subsidiary of Arrow Termite & Pest Control Group-East Africa

We are dedicated to maintaining and increasing the quality of innovation, support, and service that you have come to expect from our companies.  Together, we will continue to focus on cost reduction, power and space efficiency, and simplicity.  For our respective partners, you can expect to see increased market opportunities through an expanded set of solutions, programs and services.

Both Pest Flash and Arrow Pest Group are very grateful to our partners and customers who have already chosen our companies for their Pest Control Needs and we greatly appreciate the partnership. As we proceed with our integration in earnest, we expect many questions. Please refer to the FAQ document, and we look forward to keeping you updated on our progress.

This Now becomes the 5th acquisition of Arrow Pest Group.

  • Arrow Exterminator Industries.
  • Antcimex Invest
  • Arrow Pest Control Kenya & Uganda.
  • Arrow Pest & Plant Protection South Sudan Republic.
  • Pest Flash

Yours Faithfully,

Pest Flash, Company Secretary.

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